The Flowing Goddess
About Neretva and Raft Boys
Neretva Canyon
With its 225 km long course, the Neretva River represents the symbol of Herzegovina and the "lifeblood" of this region. Recognizable by its emerald green color, over time it was nicknamed the "Flowing Goddess". In addition to its magnificent appearance, it also got its nickname due to the fact that for centuries it has enabled life in the area of its bed.

In the upper reaches of the Neretva River, traces of human life date back to the earliest periods of human community in these areas.

Nature brings out the best in you

The Neretva rafting route runs through the Neretva river canyon, and on the stretch from Glavatičevo to the village of Džajići, where it flows its most beautiful kilometers. Rafting as a recreational sport, ideal for an active holiday, came to Neretva at the end of the last century. Namely, a group of enthusiasts, relying on the local population's tradition of going down the river in improvised vessels, and being inspired by the growing popularity of rafting in the world, decided to start and popularize this sport on the Neretva. The Neretva Raftboys became among the pioneers of this endeavor, on whose boats rafters and lovers of untouched nature still sail the flowing Goddess.

Neretva Raft Boys rafting is an agency that offers an unforgettable, adrenaline-filled, but still beautiful experience of going down the Neretva river. The agency has boats for 6, 8 and 10 people, with the necessary attested rafting equipment (oars, safety helmets and vests, neoprene suits and shoes). Boats are driven by skippers licensed by the International Rafting Federation (IRF).
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